
What is Cali’s Club?

Cali’s Club is here for you! We will answer many of your dog questions, help you with training and even through in a few recipes and games that your pooch will LOVE!

But who are we?

Well my name is Ellen, the human,

and my name is Cali, the dog.

I am a dog owner and a dog walker, running my own business and I have started this blog to share my knowledge with you!

I am a human owner and I LOVE walks! and treats! The beach is favourite place to be, I can run wherever I like, and I get to chase the seagulls!! I’m here to show you other dogs how to do what your human wants you to do. I really hope I can help!!

How will we help you?

We will help you to:

  • Form a great relationship between you and your dog
  • Feel confident in yourselves (both of you)
  • and of course we will help you to just relax and HAVE FUN!

Thanks so much for stopping by! So happy your here!

Ellen and Cali xx